Saturday, November 15, 2014

America In Realization [11.15.14]

"Microsoft is taking a more open approach
In recent weeks, Microsoft has made its Office productivity software, such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint, available on all mobile devices for free, including Apple’s platform. The company also released a smartwatch that works on all platforms, including Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android – months before the Apple Watch. 
Additionally, the company is taking a “customer is right” approach to the creation of its latest Windows operating system. Microsoft developing the latest version of Windows 10 completely in the open — allowing anyone to download the software and provide suggestions, comments and criticisms. 
And this week, Microsoft updated it Visual Studio development software, helping programmers create apps not just for Microsoft platforms but Android and iOS as well. 
Microsoft also engages customers on social networks Facebook and Twitter, unlike Apple."

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