Thursday, April 11, 2024

Best Books on Genius and Superbrain (My Recommendations)



Thinking and Mental Models
Artistic Creativity
Critical Thinking
Learning, Master Student and Speed Reading

Friday, March 8, 2024

Best books on Success and Self Help (My Recommendations)

Classics / Modern Classics

  1. Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement by Anthony Robbins
  2. Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins
  3. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
  4. The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt
  5. Goals! by Brian Tracy
  6. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: Self help classic originally published in 1937.
  7. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  8. You Can Win by Shiv Khera
  9. The Art of Living by Reader’s Digest
  10. Getting The Most Out of Life by An Anthology from The Reader’s Digest


  1. Meditation for Dummies by Stephan Bodian

Creative Visualization, Mind Techniques

  1. The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva

Neuro-linguistic Programming

  1. Neuro Linguistic Programming for Dummies by Kate Burton and Romilla Ready

Hypnosis, Subconscious Mind

  1. Hypnotherapy for Dummies by Mike Bryant and Peter Mabbutt
  2. The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Life Coaching

  1. Life Coaching for Dummies by Jeni Mumford

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dummies by Rhena Branch, Rob Willson

Time Management

  1. How to Get Control of your Time and your Life by Alan Lakein

Emotional Intelligence

  1. The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and your Success by Howard E. Book, Steven J. Stein


  1. Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
  2. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Success and Self Help: Religious and Spiritual Perspective


  1. "Everyone who believes in him (Christ) may have eternal life." (John 3:15) "Pray to Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Jesus Second Coming."
  2. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." (Mark 12:30) "Serve your God. Honor and obey your God."




  1. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams by Dr. Deepak Chopra
  2. Creating Affluence: The A-to-Z Steps to a Richer Life by Dr Deepak Chopra
  3. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny by Robin Sharma
  4. Discover Your Destiny With The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
  5. The 5Am Club By Robin Sharma
  6. Megaliving! : 30 Days to a Perfect Life: The Ultimate Action Plan for Total Mastery of Your Mind, Body & Character by Robin Sharma
  7. Chakras
  8. Mudra
  9. Lakshmi , Saraswati
  10. Seva (Selfless service to God and humanity)


Japanese ways


  1. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
  1. Astrology For Dummies by Rae Orion (Faith: God, King of Astro and Universe; Pray to God and Astro)

Brain and Consciousness as it leads to Success:

  1. Deeper states of consciousness
  2. Nap

Other worldly factors that determine (in the form of direct and spiritual help) success:

  1. Educational attainment
  2. Work experience, accomplishment 
  3. Personality, Character (Honesty, Truthfulness)
  4. Handsomeness, Beauty
  5. Skills and knowledge
  6. Popularity, Reputation, Influence, Ability to set trends
  7. Wealth
  8. Health
  9. Hardwork, Perseverance, Effort