Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Exclusive Title Of "The Greatest Living Physicist Of His Time"

Galileo, "the greatest living Physicist of his time" died in 1642.
Sir Isaac Newton "the greatest living Physicist of his time" was born in 1642 (Christmas morning; December 25).

John Clark Maxwell, "the greatest living Physicist of his Time", died in 1879.
But 1879 happened to be the birth year of another "the greatest living Physicist of his time" - Albert Einstein.

If the physicists were alive at the same time then one of them had to lose the title of being "the greatest living Physicist of his time" to another.

Clearly, the four greatest Physicists had other ideas!

So they chose not to be alive during the same time!
And our realization is that the title of "the greatest living Physicist of his time" is indeed an exclusive title!

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