Friday, July 12, 2024

Best Books on Space and Astronautics


General and Popular Science

  1. How Space Works by DK


Computer Science and Engineering (BS) (CUET) -> Computer Science and Engineering (MS) (CUET) -> Computer Science and Engineering (PhD), Mathematics (PhD), Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (PhD)

Nuclear Engineering (MS) (CUET) -> Mechanical Engineering (PhD)

Physics (MS) -> Materials Science and Engineering (PhD) / Nanomaterials and Ceramic Engineering (PhD), Physics (PhD)

LLB -> LLM -> Bar at Law

Disaster Engineering and Management (MEng) (CUET) -> Civil Engineering (PhD) 

MBA (USTC) -> Marketing and Strategy (PhD)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MS) -> Biomedical Engineering (PhD), Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (PhD), Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (PhD), Psychology / Neuroscience (PhD), Alternative and Complementary Medicine (PhD)

Economics, Banking and Finance (MSS) (Premier University) -> Economics (PhD)

Architecture (PhD)


Best MBA Texbooks



  1. Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong

Best Books on Wealth Creation


Classics and Modern Classics

  1. The Path of Prosperity by James Allen

Best Books on Becoming an Inventor and Scientist


Becoming a Scientist

  1. Make Your Mark in Science by Claus Ascheron
Engineering and Inventions

  1. Scientific American: How Things Work Today  by Michael Wright (Editor), Mukul Patel (Editor) [2000]
  2. Visual Timeline of Inventions by Richard Platt [2001]
  3. Science: The Definitive Visual Guide by Robert Dinwiddie and Giles Sparrow  [2011]
  4. Timelines of Science by DK Publishing [2013]
  5. How Stuff Works by Marshall Brain [2010]
  6. More How Stuff Works  by Marshall Brain (Author), Howstuffworks Com (Author) [2008]
  7. How Cool Stuff Works by Chris Woodford and Ben Morgan [2005] [DK – Dorling Kindersley Limited]

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Exotic Nature of Reality


Is it possible to create Universes, manipulate Time and Space utilizing advanced Science and Engineering?

[Possibility: Spirit -> String / Wave-like entities -> String-particle entities -> Particles (Electron, Hadron, ....). String interactions can give rise to particles with new set of properties.]

Nature of Reality:

Is it possible that an incarnated absolute God can create Universes?

Is it possible that we exist inside the imagination of Eye / Brain of absolute God (or incarnated absolute God)? Is it true that we live in the Matrix (a computer generated Virtual Reality) that surrounds the brain of absolute God? And our Universe is absolute God's Body / Eye extension?

Is it possible that in thousand years or so, our Universe / part of our Universe will turn into 4 Dimensional Universe?

Do English movies portray our future life and everything?

(Trailer of "The Matrix")

Higher and Lower (even Fractional) Dimensional Space and Spacetime Exist!