Personal Notes On Blogpost Topics [Unofficial]
- Why money was invented. Money as a medium of exchange. Economists study how people make choices faced with alternatives.
- How Feynman invented the concepts of parallel programming and "mapreduce paradigm" before there were computers.
- How cars work.
- Gamification: applying game mechanics to life, business, human resource management, education.
- What Concrete Mathematics is about
- How science works. How scientific theories are build upon one another. Observation experimentation. Concepts, abstractions. Derivation. Induction.
- The parallels between biological evolution and the evolution of language.
- Quantum Electrodynamics: inventing new laws by inventing new perspective from which to look at.
- How peculiarities worked as blessings for geniuses. Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Edison. (Done)
- How the price of a product or service is determined. What makes a … $…?
- Metaprogramming in Java, Common Lisp, Clojure, Ruby, C.
- The internals of Hadoop and Mapreduce.
- Extremist views. Misinterpretation of wars fought by Prophet Muhammad. Collateral damage prohibition. Suicide prohibitions in Islam. Misinterpretation - same legal statement in court - different interpretations.
- Evolution of the science of brain. Broca. Freud. Behavioral Psychology - Skinner. Cognitive Psychology - Chomsky, Computer. Imaging Devices, Biology, - Neuroscience.
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