Friday, April 13, 2018

Catholic Teachings II

Catholic Teachings II:
Radicalism & Conservatism as applied to Theology:
  1. “In an increasingly complex world of unprecedented scientific and technological challenges, theologians must communicate what is ‘essential’ (as in laws of Physics). “Proclaim the teachings in a new way” … Such a task is done not by changing the message, but by communicating the perennial message with “faithful creativity” to a world experiencing rapid transformations. There needs to be a theology that helps all Christians proclaim and show, most of all, the salvific face of God … Reimagine the church so that it may conform to the teachings that it must proclaim.”
  2. “A faith that doesn’t make us grow is a faith that must grow; a faith that doesn’t question us is a faith that must be questioned.”
  3. “The bold speech of the Church is that Christ is Lord, Christ is the king.”
  4. “The Church is not a cage for the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit also flies out and works outside.”
God, God on Earth:
  1. “Our God is always the God of surprises. From the beginning of the history of salvation, God has surprised his people.”
  2. (Easter) “Christ is risen, and with him he makes our hope and creativity rise, so that we can face our present problems in the knowledge that we are not alone.”
  1. Lord blesses: “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 59:21)
  2. “The Holy Spirit works in the hearts of non-believers and those of other religious confessions. The Holy Spirit is “universal, he is the spirit of God, who is for everyone.””
Challenges, issues of today’s world:
  1. “We pray … that Jesus Christ will remind us all that he is the most powerful means to break the chains of hate that still bind too many hearts, a truth which lies at the center of Dr. King’s legacy.”
  2. “Let us be attentive, to all situations of injustice and to new forms of exploitation.”
  3. “You are urged to form movements and organizations aimed at overcoming the plagues of corruption and human trafficking.”
  4. God’s word can set right not only individuals but whole societies — if we would receive it.”
    • “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
  5. “Peace is not just ending a war, but also building a country.”
  6. How harmful corruption is to our Latin American people! Corruption is preventable and calls for commitment from public entities, the private sector and civil society.”
  7. “Access to clean, safe water and proper sanitation can help communities overcome poverty.”
Youth & Church:
  1. You are encouraged to study and to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to you. Do not curb your curiosity. Open your eyes to new things; bring the old and the new together in your own way.”
  2. “God’s grace can help overcome young people’s fears & doubts, guide them so their gifts & talents can improve the world, help the church.”
  3. “The Catholic Church wants to listen to young people … but young Catholics must be ready to listen to Jesus and discover where he wants to lead them.”
  4. “Young people should embrace the challenge of building their nation.”
  1. “Jesus wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence.”
  2. “Each person, needs to embrace that unique plan that God willed for each of us from eternity.”
Happiness, Joy:
  1. “Christian joy is usually accompanied by a sense of humor.”
Technology as work of God:
  1. “God with his infinite creativity, will turn ideas that seem like science fiction and far-fetched into reality.”
  2. “.. he has the ability to repair body by reshaping it.”
  3. “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)
The Arts & Spirit:
  1. “We offer encouragement to those who use art, literature, craftsmanship and music to share their worldview and cultural richness with the world.”
  1. “May your tenderness awaken our sensitivity.”
  2. “Jesus performs miracles.”
    • “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. (Joel 2:28-32)
  3. “Christ gathers all the nations before him.”
  4. “Leaders of nations embrace Christ’s teachings and guidance.”
  5. Jesus makes demands: he tells those who seek him to leave behind the armchair of worldly comforts and the reassuring warmth of hearth and home … We must leave our comfort zone to find Jesus.”
Ushering in Kingdom of God:
  1. “.. to live with confidence that the Lord really will destroy sin and death, and that we will be able to live with Him in great joy. He knew that the definitive Kingdom that God is preparing is real and very much worth devoting one’s entire life to.”
World to come:
  1. “In the grand future, God will make all things new. In a realm of eternal light, he will rule over everything. There will be profound peace. Nations shall walk by his light. Every nation on earth will adore him.”
  2. “Christ will perform the most dramatic miracles.”
  3. (“The messiah will be a great political leader. He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions.”)
  4. “His rule will be one of unprecedented peace and prosperity and he will be king over the entire world.”
  5. “The laws of nature will change, so that predatory beasts will no longer seek prey and agriculture will bring forth supernatural abundance.”
  6. “Christ is the ‘Supreme World Teacher’. Young as he is, he is a ‘Master’ among ‘Masters’. People of the world will lead life under his guidance.”
    • “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) 
  7. “Death will be swallowed up forever.”
    • “Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child.” (Isaiah 65:20)
  8. “He will be a young king, a counselor. The government will be on his shoulders from a young age. Leaders of nations will look to him for guidance.”
  9. “Theological truths will be equally obvious to mankind, and there will be no reason to argue about it.”
    • “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)
  10. “Christ will establish righteousness upon earth.”
  11. “In the Kingdom of God, people will be more beautiful and holy. God has prepared us for the purpose of being clothed with our heavenly body.”
    • “We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing.” (2 Corinthians 5:2)
    • “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing.” (Isaiah 35:5-6)
  12. “The Lord will herald an age of abundance.”
  13. “When we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, we declare the hope and joy that we, too, will.”
  14. “In a myriad ways, according to your particular missions, bring something of heaven to earth.”
Rule over all nations:
  1. “Christ will reform education system of nations. He will administer Catholic schools, colleges and universities.”
  2. “Catholics have a duty to shape the political landscape.”
    • Survey: just 26% of American adults said the Republican and Democratic parties are doing an adequate job representing the American people, while 71% said a third party is needed.”
  3. (To Chilean youth) “The path forward, the dreams that have to be concrete, the always looking to the horizon has to be done with feet on the ground. It begins on the ground of the homeland. God calls you to love your homeland. You are asked to be catalysts for change in Chile.”
Challenges, issues of nations:
  1. “Peace and progress start with education .. We ask the Spirit to guide the steps of everyone present, so that the university is able continue to bear fruit for the good of the people and for the glory of God.”
  2. “Promote economic models that create the proper conditions for the human person to thrive.”
  3. “Let us be attentive to the lack of steady employment, which destroys lives and homes.”
  4. “The recurring financial instabilities have brought new problems and serious challenges that governments must confront.”
Future of Church:
  1. “The Church is not alien to our problems and our lives, does not want to be aloof from our way of life and organization.”
  2. “And you see the people from east to west entering into the religion of God in multitudes.”
    • “Christ shall convert billions of non-Christians to the religion of God. He will build Churches all around the globe.”
  3. “Each culture and each worldview that receives Christ’s teachings enriches the Church by showing a new aspect of Christ’s face.”
  4. “Prayer heals the sick, sanctifies work, elevates healthcare and gives moral strength.”

Catholic Teachings I

Catholic Teachings:
God, God on earth:
  1. “God dreams big, wants to transform world, defeat evil.”
  2. “Just as God had the creativity to make the world, he has creativity to make new things each day.”
  3. “God created us to build, give life, move forward, create community & live in peace.”
  4. “God, creator of heaven & earth, doesn’t need to be protected by men; indeed, it is he who protects them.”
  5. “God made the universe; every new surprise is a tiny burst of joy before his creative greatness.”
  6. “Our great challenge is to speak to men and women about the closeness of God, who considers us his children.”
  7. “Why be afraid when God is always showing the way.”
  8. “I love so much this Jesus that bothers, pushes” us out of comfort zone.
  9. “Let Jesus be known in the world of politics, business, arts, science, technology & social media.”
  10. “Almighty God, creator and lord of the universe, was not afraid to become a small, trusting baby in the arms of Mary and still today wants to give himself for each of us, humbly, out of love.”
  11. “What joy to know that God is real, alive, not an idol and, therefore, will never let us down.”
  12. “The Annunciation shows God takes the initiative. He wants to be born into our homes & daily lives.”
  13. “Gabriel was announcing to Mary, her son would be infinitely more kingly than any other king. He was to exercise God’s rule over everything — over every cubic centimeter of space and every nanosecond of time, over every situation, every mind and heart.”
  14. “God knows us by name.”
  15. God understands people’s emotions because God becomes human.”
  16. “God knows what we need more than we do ourselves.”
  17. “God has created us to make us part of his life.”
  1. “There are three possible voices in our head: God’s, ours and the voice of the world.”
  2. “Never underestimate the power of God’s Spirit working in you and through you and despite you … most of the time unbeknownst to you and me.”
  3. “It’s no use whining about the times because we are the times. It is through us that God acts in society.”
  4. Each and every person “is a story of love that God has written on this earth.”
  5. “Our life is not without direction, it has a purpose given to us by God. He guides and directs us with his grace … this direction is like ‘a computer software’ God has placed within us that helps us to discern his divine program.”
  6. “God is the Lord of human history. Whatever way human history proceeds, it never becomes unconnected from the salvific plan of God.”
  1. “People must be careful not to dash the hopes & dreams of young people or make them feel exploited.”
  2. “No to every type of drug use… Yes to education.”
  3. “Let Christ lead you in the adventure of life.”
  4. “Young people who are not seeking something or looking for meaning in life have gone into retirement.”
  5. (To young people) begin day praying, “Lord, challenge me today and give me the strength to rise to the challenge”.
Happiness, Joy:
  1. “Be happy in hoping, don’t only hope to be happy.”
  2. “Joy, a sign of God’s presence, is what church needs.”
  3. “Inner peace leads to happiness.”
Development, Economy:
  1. “The world of work is a human priority & therefore a Christian priority, a priority of the pope.”
  2. “True [economic] development is growth economically, with work, culture, family, faith — all are key to human flourishing.”
  3. “True [economic] development is measured by concern for human beings, their education, health and dignity.”
  4. “[Economic] development is: access to housing, dignified & properly remunerated jobs, adequate food, water; freedom & education.”
  5. “There can’t be a good economy without good businessmen, without their capacity to create and to produce.”
  6. “Successful businesses are essential to democracy.”
  7. “To end poverty, we must let the poor be active agents of own future. Let them organize, have education.”
Science & Faith:
  1. “Bridge the gap between science and faith through education.”
  2. “Integration of science and faith … God is leading us to this truth.”
Technology as God’s work:
  1. “Catholic campuses can be a model of energy efficiency.”
  2. Biotechnology has a strong impact on man’s life and our world.”
Challenges, issues of today’s world:
  1. “The answer to today’s challenges: Jesus.”
  2. “Christ will bring world peace.”
  3. “The world will be placed beneath his (Christ’s) feet.”
  4. “Prince of Peace in every place turns hearts aside from violence and inspires them to lay down arms and undertake the path of dialogue.”
  5. Pursue peace in world’s trouble spots.”
  6. “Eliminate nuclear weapon, and instead devote resources to [economic] development.”
  7. “Boost cooperation among nations to end the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”
  8. “It’s an absurd contradiction to speak of peace, and at the same time promote or permit the arms trade. Eliminate arms trade.”
  9. “Explore all ways to end narcotics trafficking. Denounce illegal drugs businesses … which has put an end to so many lives and is sustained by unscrupulous men.”
  10. “Ending human trafficking requires effective juridical instruments and concrete collaboration at multiple levels by all stakeholders.”
  11. “Pursue peace through social inclusion, paying attention to the plight of the country’s most marginalized populations.”
  12. “Eliminate violence, uphold dignity of all.”
  13. “The more women are involved in and contribute to communities, politics, economics and the church, the more positive changes will come about.”
  14. “Conditions in many parts of the world keep women and girls from getting even a basic education .. Access to education for each and every girl .. increased market access for women.”
  15. “Abused authority leads to corruption.”
  16. “Corruption is one of the most serious sins that plagues our world today.”
  17. “World needs to be saved from corruption, extortion, drug/arms trades, human trafficking.”
  18. “Participate in the global effort to fight hunger … so that every country increases its production and reaches food self-sufficiency.”
  1. “Christians should act and pray so that the world can & will awake from long night of tribulation.”
  2. “We have hope that Jesus will transform our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh, able to love.”
  3. “We pray to Christ that we may regain our full sense of self and everything around, awareness of space and time, and feelings, … after long night of tribulation.”
  4. “Everyone must understand own weaknesses to really help others.”
World to come:
  1. “God can do the impossible. He will do miraculous things.”
  2. “The church and medicine can unite to bring healing.”
  3. “Christians are called to believe in the logic of resurrection of the body. Believers will rise again in body and soul. Certainly the Lord God holds the keys of death and grave.”
  4. “Christians can find comfort in knowing God has prepared for us a different future.”
  5. “God created us because he wants us to be happy.”
  6. “Our most beautiful days have yet to come. We are more people of spring than of autumn.”
  7. “Ultimately, the Lord God is going to transform everything for the good of humanity.”
  8. “Jesus wants to lead us to most beautiful place in existence … the hope Christians have at the end of life, which is found in God’s promise to be with us, and to give us eternal life with him in paradise.”
  9. “The Christian is called to commit themselves concretely in human and social realities without putting God and Caesar (King) into opposition, but by illuminating the earthly reality with the light that comes from God.”
  10. “God wants people to live with joy, and to dream with him of a better world. Christians must cultivate a ‘healthy utopia’ based on what God wants for the world.”
  11. “We are free if we live with Jesus. It means entering into the home of Jesus, to enter into that atmosphere, to live in that atmosphere there in the home of Jesus. To live there, to contemplate, to be free.”
  12. God’s tenderness is found in the great and small. He carries us in his deep within.”
Rule over all nations:
  1. “Governing requires wisdom.”
  2. “The kingdom of God is the light of the world, the leaven of the dough, a sign of salvation in order to build a more just world … the hope and eternal joy to which we are all called.”
  3. “In the Kingdom of God there are no idle hands, all are called to do their part; and for all, at the end, there will be compensation from divine justice – not human justice.”
  4. “God has a plan for each person to reach fulfillment.”
  5. “Christians should keep hope alive and fight against desperation through Jesus ‘who can open wide the doors’ and ‘look beyond the horizon.'”
  6. “We can’t improve our political landscape by observing and judging from afar, but that it involves personal involvement.”
  7. “Christians should commit themselves to building nation with their leader.”
  8. “Concern yourself with your country, a more just and honest society, that there’s justice. Concern yourself with defending the truth. You’re leaders in this story. You’re a protagonist in your country.”
Future of Church:
  1. “Jesus wants to continue building his church with us, this house that has solid foundations. Even if we are only ‘small stones,’ not rocks like St Peter, Jesus transforms us, uses us to build his church.”
  2. “Churches can continue along the path of true unity and communion.”
  3. “Each person has a place & mission in the church.”
  4. “The Lord continues to call us to follow him, and we shouldn’t wait to be perfect in order to answer with our ‘generous yes’. We would lose the chance to dream big and to play our part in the unique and original story that God wants to write with us.”
  5. “Teach what you learned, live what you taught.”
  6. Bible reading is devoting time to a loved one. Christians should pray together that God’s will for the unity of Christians will be accomplished.”
  7. “Evangelization is about knowing the human heart. From every population to which we go, a wealth emerges which the Church is called to recognize and value to bring about the unity of ‘all mankind’.. The many good traditions that people and their cultures possess give richness to the Church.”